Walk 50 miles in the month of July to support The Wish Centre

Register here and get your free T-shirt or sports vest 

When? Throughout the month of July

Where? Wherever you want! A local park, treadmill, round the block...

Do you like walking but 10,000 steps a day is a bit too much? Then this challenge is for you! Averaging out at around 3,500 steps or 1.6 miles a day it's perfect if you’re short on time, new to exercise, or looking for something that’s easy on the body and mind. 

You could do shorter walks on busier days then a longer trek on the weekend wearing your Wish Centre T-shirt or vest! It's a great way to get out in the fresh air, clear our minds or spend time with friends who can tag along with you. Once completed we'll send you a digital certificate.

Create a fundraiser on JustGiving to gather support from friends and family - funds that you raise will directly help people affected by domestic abuse.

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The 14th of July marks the National Honour Based Abuse Awareness Day, in honour of Shafilea Ahmed and all victims and survivors of honour based abuse. Shafilea was killed by her family in an honour based killing in Bradford in 2003, when she was just 17 due to her refusal to accept an arranged marriage.
'There are an estimated 12 ‘honour’ killings each year in the UK, although the exact number is unknown.' Karma Nirvana

Join us in raising awareness of Honour Based Abuse during the month of July by walking 50 miles for the Wish Centre. 

Register today

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